aluminium windows barnet

Aluminium Windows Barnet

Aluframes Direct supply terrific aluminium windows to traders and businesses in Barnet and the surrounding areas. With us, you can get shorter lead times, more personalised service, and greater flexibility for your company.

Sleek, Subtle Design for Unmatched Aesthetics

Easy to Install for Efficient Fitting Times

Thermally Retentive for Optimal Energy Efficiency

Aluminium Windows for Trade in Barnet

Aluminium windows can improve the product range of any business in Barnet. Aluminium windows offer impressive strength and efficiency, meaning they can transform the performance of any space. With Aluframes, you can order Stayfix windows for your company with ease. We offer short lead times, responsive service and bespoke builds for your business.

Windows like these are a step up on classic uPVC designs. It’s because aluminium is a precious metal, giving it plenty of inner strength. As a result, the windows can make homes safer and warmer too, with advanced double glazing inside the design. Aluminium windows can also last for decades longer than uPVC, making it a brilliant product for any business.

At Aluframes, we offer aluminium windows that help your business in Barnet grow. We have a range of designs available, meaning you can satisfy any customer’s needs. Also, thanks to our partnership with Stayfix, we can offer high-quality windows. Because of this, you can make your customers’ homes warmer and safer for years to come.

When you work with Aluframes, you can take more control of your business. We can respond to custom orders quickly, ensuring you don’t have to do any cutting on-site. Additionally, our online quoting engine allows you to find any price for our range of products in seconds, on any device. That way, you can step your business up with us.

Easy Trade Supply

We think running a business should be less complicated. That’s why, at Aluframes, we’ve made our trade supply service more simple and more streamlined. When you order aluminium windows from us in Barnet, we’ll supply them quickly, and to your exact specifications. Also, you can order over the phone or online, giving you more choice to work with us as you want to.

We make sure all our aluminium windows are high-quality designs. That means working on each one to your order, meaning your business can react to unique requests more quickly. As a result, you can satisfy the needs of any customer, while Aluframes can satisfy any of your business needs in turn.

aluminium windows in barnet

Thermally Efficient Aluminium Windows

Our aluminium windows can improve any home in Barnet. As a result, they’re ideal to have in your product range. With Stayfix’s innovative designs, you can offer windows that provide stunning levels of energy efficiency. The designs can hit u-values as low as 1.3W/m2k, meaning your customers can benefit from savings on their energy bills.

Not only that, but our aluminium windows come with superb double glazing as standard. We offer 28mm double glazing and a 32mm variant for added toughness. As a result, the glazing blocks out cold air and traps more warmth inside properties. That means you can give more comfort to your customers every day.

Another benefit of aluminium windows is how long they last. While uPVC windows can perform for around 30 years, aluminium is even more durable. Because of this, your customers can expect these windows to perform for their home for half a century. They won’t even have to carry out regular maintenance to keep them working at their best.

Fully Customisable Aluminium Windows

At Aluframes, we make sure to manufacture all of our aluminium windows to order for your business in Enfield. Because of this, you’ll get a unique window every time, and be able to treat every one of your customers individually.

They’ll be able to choose between top and side hung openings, bold RAL colours, timeless finishes or even dual colour options in gloss, matte and satin. Because of all this, you’ll provide a fully customisable service that others won’t be able to match.

Aluminium windows near me barnet

Also, aluminium windows are a naturally attractive option for homes in Enfield. The material is slimline, sleek, and shines in any lighting. The frame won’t fade under excess water or for decades either.

As a result, all the aluminium windows you supply will lift the look of living spaces everywhere in Enfield. Offer your customers something different to the standard uPVC window, and you’ll be able to reap the benefits with each order.

Secure Aluminium Windows

Finally, we know how valuable security is to both homes and businesses. That’s why we work with Stayfix, a window company who don’t cut corners when it comes to securing homes. With these windows from Aluframes, you can offer a robust design with innovative features that helps to keep the customers you value safe inside their living spaces.

Your window will feature an almost bulletproof aluminium frame as well as toughened double glazing. However, our windows don’t stop there. The windows also include multi-point locking mechanisms across the design which the aluminium frame protects from rust and wear. As a result, a burglar will have no way through these secure designs.

A bayonet-style external bead will help the window resist forced entry attempts too. Along with our robust aluminium profiles, these windows are a tough nut to crack for any home. Heavy-duty hinges will also last for as long as the rest of the window, meaning your customers can get windows they can rely on for decades to come.

Get a Quote Online

Available on any device, our online quoting engine helps you find prices for any of our products in seconds.


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Aluminium Windows Prices Barnet

If you want to bring aluminium windows to your business in Barnet, get in touch with Aluframes today. We have an online contact form which you can use to register your interest and reach out to our team.

Also, our online quoting engine contains our full range of aluminium windows and their prices. It’s free-to-use and available on any device, so you can keep your business moving even when you are.